There is no denying the way we are searching online is changing which also influences how we should approach search engine optimization (SEO).  With the advent of personal digital assistants and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies like Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Apple Siri, and Microsoft Cortana the future of SEO and internet marketing will look a lot different given how we are starting to communicate and interact with the internet.  We are at a time where almost half of the entire online population uses voice search at least once a day which is creating a tipping point towards a new era of search engine marketing and SEO.  One of the biggest appeals of voice search is it allows users to multitask and perform hands free functions that otherwise would not be possible using traditional search methods. Couple this with the fact that digital assistant options are growing exponentially and what you have is a soon to be new era in the world of online searches and search engine results and recommendations.

As smartphone and tablet use rises and mobile communication continues to expand users reliance on them, voice search becomes more prominent as well.  Voice search is now not only being leveraged for simple search queries like sports scores, weather and road conditions and finding directions, but much more complex searches like e-commerce shopping and medical advice giving it a wide range of user value.  With so much promise as a new way to navigate the world wide web, voice search is setting itself up as the future of how we discover what we need online. Since writing and speaking conjure very different methods of search it is critical to also take a different approach to how we plan and prepare our search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) strategies.  Utilizing the power of natural conversational language means longer search queries and quicker more defined requests providing entirely new SEO and SEM opportunities. So how should we be accounting for this new trend in voice searches? Making the following adjustments to your search engine optimization campaigns can go along way towards improving not only current rankings but also how well you will be prepared for the future of how humans interact with companies, businesses and brands through search engines. 

Strategy Tip #1 – Answer Common Questions With Short Answers

When it comes to search writing versus search speaking people have a tendency to ask full questions when using their voice.  By catering your SEO and SEM content to account for answering full questions with direct answers you can become much more appealing to all forms of search.

Strategy Tip #2 – Create Conversational Content

One of the largest distinctions between voice and written search involves the use of long tail keywords. Since voice search is quicker and easier then traditional written search you will want to focus some of your search engine optimization and search engine marketing efforts on conversational based content.

Strategy Tip #3 – Develop High Quality Long Form Written Information

Search engines favor long-form, in-depth data and research, even in regard to voice search so tailoring your content to this type of format is an ideal way to find yourself at the top of the search rankings.  Taking an authoritative approach to your SEO makes for a much more voice search friendly atmosphere.

Strategy Tip #4 – Integrate Local SEO

One of the most widely used features of voice search is discovering local companies. These types of searches frequently include phrases such as “near me” or “local” making local search engine marketing campaigns vital to any SEO voice search strategy.  Using local SEO strategies like schema markup, rich snippets, and local citation building will allow you to capture the voice search traffic you currently may be missing.

Sure the future of the way we sift through the internet may be moving towards voice search but this does not mean we need to completely change how we implement our search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM).  The wonderful aspect of voice search is that a lot of the same methods that work for traditional SEO also work for this new form of interaction and communication. Working with a knowledgeable and innovative SEO Company is a sure way to stay on top of the latest happenings and keep your messages heard by the voices of the internet.  If you want your website to continue to rank high in search results you will need to begin to start accounting for the future which is leaning towards voice search. While typed search strings and queries will always be a part of the fabric of SEO and SEM it is critically important that companies, brands and businesses acknowledge the search landscape is changing and make the appropriate adjustments accordingly.  

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